At first glance, this can look a bit daunting. Do not get discouraged. We organized our first Two Dollar Challenge in less than three weeks. We enjoyed an incredible educational experience, raised $1200, and skipped a lot of these steps.
You can do it.
We are here to help. Just Ask!
Six Weeks Prior to your Two Dollar Challenge
1. Review our “Working with Your Campus” information sheet
2. Select Start and End Dates for your Two Dollar Challenge
3. Reserve a location on campus to build your shelters (contact your office of Student Activities)
4. Select a water spigot on campus to be your community’s well (contact your Facilities Department)
Four Weeks Prior to your Two Dollar Challenge
1. Reserve a location and Schedule a Date and Time to hold a General Interest Meeting (HINT: We suggest that you hold the General Interest Meeting two weeks prior to your Two Dollar Challenge).
2. Create flyers advertising your General Interest Meeting (We have templates here and here).
3. If you need to, get permission from your Student Activities Department to distribute flyers on campus.
4. Contact you Student Activities Department for a list of Student Clubs on your campus that focus on global poverty. Invite these clubs via email to join you and your club in your Two Dollar Challenge (see “TDC-Campus Club Invite” email).
5. Build your own TDC Schedule – team building and educational activities, awareness raising, fund raising and marketing ideas, and readings (with discussion questions) to accompany your Discussion Nights.
- See our TDC – Schedule for a template and see “The Week of Your Two Dollar Challenge” (below) for detailed information about each event during the week.
6. Invite guest speakers to attend and/or lead one of your Discussion Nights. You can invite professors, administrators (e.g., your university President or Deans), local community leaders, and/or leaders in the non-profit organization you are raising funds and awareness for. You can use this template letter (TDC-SpeakerRequest-Email).
7. Begin organizing a Classroom Tour to rally you community to participate in the Two Dollar Challenge.
- Classroom Tour – Checklist
- Classroom Tour – Email Invitation to Instructors
- Classroom Tour – Script
- TDC – Sign Up Sheet
- TDC – Rules and Code of Conduct
- TDC – Schedule
Three Weeks Prior to your Two Dollar Challenge
1. Execute your Classroom Tour
2. Use your Classroom Tour “TDC-Sign-Up Sheet” to create a “Two Dollar Challenge Email Distribution List”
3. Prepare for your General Interest Meeting
- General Interest Meeting – Checklist
- General Interest Meeting – Script
- TDC – Sign-Up Sheet
- TDC – Rules and Code of Conduct
- TDC – Application
- TDC – Schedule
4. Prepare Marketing Materials to use during your Two Dollar Challenge
5. Send email to prospective TDC Participants about the General Interest Meeting
6. Prepare your Fundraising Strategies
Two Weeks Prior to your Two Dollar Challenge
1. Execute General Interest Meeting
2. Email Prospective TDC Participants (see TDC-GeneralInterestMeetingFollowUp)
3. Contact the Department of University Relations and Communications on your Campus (see TDC – Press Release)
4. Contact your Campus Newspaper and Alumni Magazine (see TDC – Press Release)
5. Create a Two Dollar Challenge Facebook Event (Review our portfolio of TDC Logos)
6. Prepare for your Organizing Meeting
- Organizing Meeting – Checklist
- Organizing Meeting – Script
- TDC – Sign-Up Sheet
- TDC – Rules and Code of Conduct
- TDC – Journal
- TDC – Application
- TDC – Schedule
- TDC-Fundraising Form
- TDC-Fundraising Letter
7. Review the TDC Readings and TDC/SIMA Film Festival Entries for you Discussion Nights
8. Order Your TDC-Tee Shirts.
One Week Prior to your Two Dollar Challenge
1. Execute Organizing Meeting
2. Organize Participants into Households
3. Send “TDC-Email- Households” (soon after Organizing Meeting)
4. Send “TDC-Friday Before” Email
The Week of your Two Dollar Challenge
- Hold a Study Hall to Review Rules and Code of Conduct
- Pass out TDC-Journals
- Work on course assignments due during the coming week.
- Collect and Store Building Materials for Shelters
- Collect Materials and Build Shelters
- Select Monday’s TDC Reading to review and reflect upon
- Screen Monday’s selection from our Social Impact Film Festival
- Execute T-Love Session at night (questions)
- Prepare for “Dinner with Ivan Illich” on Tuesday. Send “TDC-IvanIllich” Email
- Calculate funds raised, place in envelope, seal, and sign with two witnesses.
- Execute “Dinner with Ivan Illich” (checklist)(email)(To Hell with Good Intentions)(discussion questions)
- Screen Tuesday’s selection from our Social Impact Film Festival
- Calculate funds raised, place in envelope, seal, and sign with two witnesses.
- Select Wednesday’s TDC Reading to review and reflect upon
- Screen Wednesday’s selection from our Social Impact Film Festival
- Execute Bartering Challenge (checklist)(rules)
- Execute Privilege Walk
- Calculate funds raised, place in envelope, seal, and sign with two witnesses.
- Select Thursday’s TDC Reading to review and reflect upon
- Screen Thursday’s selection from our Social Impact Film Festival
- Execute “Final Reflection” (checklist)(discussion questions)
- Calculate funds raised, place in envelope, seal, and sign with two witnesses.
- Select Friday’s TDC Reading to review and reflect upon
- Screen Friday’s selection from our Social Impact Film Festival
- Group trip to Local eatery before taking down shelters
- Store non-perishable food and clothing.
- Calculate funds raised, place in envelope, seal, and sign with two witnesses.
The Week after your Two Dollar Challenge
1. Send out “TDC-Follow Up” Email
2. Donate unclaimed possessions and non-perishable items to local homeless shelter.
3. Critically reflect on how to improve the experience and share your thoughts with us ( If you have any more questions, contact us! Have a great idea? Contact us!
We can add it to our checklist and share it will other campuses around the globe.
Click here for a PDF version of the checklist.