It’s Alive! Our Blog, That Is.

Here at TDC we’ve been doing a lot of work. We’ve honed our mission and vision, formed a coalition of student groups to organize the Month of Microfinance, and been working on the Poverty Action Conference for this October. We’ve also incorporated as a nonprofit in the state of Virginia, and have our bylaws ready to go for the IRS so we can become recognized as a 501c3 organization.

Our next step is to really maintain our blog.

The bottom line is, we live in a world of scarcity. That applies to the passion, effort, and money given to causes as well. We want those resources to be given most effectively and guided by what works.

This blog will be a compilation of regular updates on new ideas in poverty alleviation, on the good, the bad, and the easy ways to give, and some of our favorite educational resources. We want to provide a resource for students looking to take action right now and to learn more about how they can effect change in the world, as well as for those who want to critically think about the giving they do.

So please, look back at some of the great posts we made in the past, and come back often as we develop our blog and resources to help students interested in poverty alleviation have a bigger, more meaningful, and more sustainable impact.

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